

[香港定向總會最新消息] 香港教練培訓委員會 — Delivered by Feed43 service


[香港定向總會最新消息] 2021.01.04 (NEW) 最新地圖圖例標準 國際定向短距離地圖圖例標準(ISSprOM 2019) — Delivered by Feed43 service

國際野外定向地圖圖例標準(ISOM 2017-2)

[香港定向總會最新消息] 2020.12.24 (NEW) 總會現正計劃更新《組織章程大綱及章程細則》(M&A),歡迎各位提出任何意見。煩請各位於2021年1月24日(星期日)或之前經此電子表格交回。如有任何疑問,歡迎以電郵向本會高級體育幹事林仲銘先生(查詢。 — Delivered by Feed43 service


[香港定向總會最新消息] 受2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)疫情的影響,總會決定取消舉行周年頒獎典禮,有關領取獎項安排將會容後公佈。現附上頒獎典禮得獎名單供參閱。 禁藥資訊-2021禁藥清單及小冊子 — Delivered by Feed43 service

Advent calendar 2020: 18 – Old Town Central, Hong Kong

The British colonial times in Hong Kong left much heritage. As the downtown of Hong Kong, the steep slope of Central is worth a visit, full of stories from the past 180 years. From the first days of the colony in the 1840s, to the booming era of 1960s and 1970s, Old Town Central always

Advent calendar 2020: 18 – Old Town Central, Hong Kong

The British colonial times in Hong Kong left much heritage. As the downtown of Hong Kong, the steep slope of Central is worth a visit, full of stories from the past 180 years. From the first days of the colony in the 1840s, to the booming era of 1960s and 1970s, Old Town Central always

Advent calendar 2020: 8. Victoria Peak, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Island was a colony of the United Kingdom from the 1840s until 1997, and the highest peak (552m) was thus named after Queen Victoria. The island has very steep slopes—Victoria Peak is only around 1km to Central, Hong Kong’s downtown, and around 1.5km to Victoria Harbour (again, named after the Queen). Victoria Peak

Advent calendar 2020: 8. Victoria Peak, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Island was a colony of the United Kingdom from the 1840s until 1997, and the highest peak (552m) was thus named after Queen Victoria. The island has very steep slopes—Victoria Peak is only around 1km to Central, Hong Kong’s downtown, and around 1.5km to Victoria Harbour (again, named after the Queen). Victoria Peak